“In Spirit of Service, not Self”

Ways to Help

  • The American Legion Family is comprised of the men and women who served, wives, daughters, husbands and sons of servicemen who are all dedicated to helping Veterans, their families, and the current enlisted. The Guy Rathbun Unit 25 in Kelso is no exception. 
  • Donations of care package items are always welcomed- click the “donate” button at the bottom of the page.
  • Click HERE for a pdf download of suggested items. 
  • Would you like to be more involved? Help us collect donations or fill boxes for our deployed. 

Love From Home

How it began

 Last year my nephew, who is currently serving in the United States Navy was deployed aboard the USS Iwo Jima to the seas in the middle east. We as a Unit decided we would send him a care package on a regular basis to keep him in our thoughts and to help support his journey. Upon further reflection and discussing it, we decided we would like to provide care packages for more deployed military and specifically wanted to find those who weren’t receiving anything or maybe didn’t have support from family. It was through that conversation that it was mentioned we wanted to send some love from home and thus the name was born. I talked to my sister and she got a message to my nephew asking him if he knew of anyone aboard his ship and if he could get addresses. It occurred to me I belong to a family page for the USS Iwo Jima so I put a post up on the page explaining who we were and details about our new project. Over the next few days I received several messages with parents who either knew of someone that weren’t getting packages or requests specifically for their sailor. One specifically messaged me stating her daughter was in isolation because of a vaccine reaction and she was extremely depressed about not being able to carry on with her duties and have social interaction. Every message was a conversation about love and dedication and brought tears to my eyes. We’ve had a few donations from the community which helps fill the boxes and gives them an opportunity to be involved. We get to meet new people and share the passion we have for serving our active military. We are currently researching other ways to find addresses of our deployed military to continue our mission…to send a little “Love from Home”


“Love From Home” the name says it all. 

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